Poetry || Asemics
New Publications
Poet and visual artist Karla van Vliet’s bold, inspiring, and mediative new book, She Speaks Tongues, is in the great traditions of asemic writing, abstract and surrealist art, calligraphy and graffiti, Zen and American pastoral poetry. In this collection Van Vliet enacts how the art of the line (visual and poetic), like Mirtha Dermisache’s “Libro No 1,” is part of our aesthetic intuition, where we create meaning from the known and unknown spaces of our “blessings and despair.” These pages, illuminated by the power of the great spirit, are where “the wind sings into every torn and ragged place in my body.” Hers is a tender poetry that takes the landscape into the great thunder of meaning where “plums like words” suffice in a world here “your absence was an orchard.” She Speaks Tongues is a kind of creation myth for our time. In this book I find solace and grace and a great generous spirit. — Elizabeth A.I. Powell, author of Atomizer and Willy Loman’s Reckless Daughter Anhinga Press, 2021 To order |
Publications from Van Vliet Gallery: Click
deLuge Journal Online journal
About deLuge: deLuge is an online literary and arts journal devoted to the wealth of creativity that arises from dreams - directly or indirectly - and from the deeply felt/experienced life. We present work that catches the breath, resonates like the low hum of a bass cello, dazzles slant or straight on, and brings us to epiphany, the cliff's edge, or that rises through quiet presence. However each piece sings, we hope that it leaves you feeling the reverb long after the final note. deLuge publishes strong, passionate pieces that excite and challenge. We accept work from new, emerging, and established writers. Co-founders / Co-editors: Karla Van Vliet and Sue Scavo |
to be Found online:Poetry:
Green Mountains Review - A Compendium of Notional Words, The Medicine of Blues, Four Fragments, Yielding Acumen - On Brenhilda of Sula Sgeir Painted Bride Quarterly - The Doe Off the Coast - Love Sheila-Na-Gig - If the Target at the Shooting Range Were a Man with a Gun Heartwood - Off Season Blue Heron Review.com - Unstitched, My Blessing The Tishman Review - Finalist for 2016 Edna St. Vincent Millay Poetry Prize - If My Body Were a Country Meadow Edged by a Shadowed Wood The Tishman Review - What was Needed, Night Swan, Boat Prayer Found Poetry Review 9 - I Will Come The Kent Museum: Words Out Loud - Reading video |